Holy Family Catholic Schools
Computer use and Internet access is encouraged and made available to further education and research in an academic setting consistent with the mission of the Diocese of Arlington, Office of Catholic Schools. Computer and Internet access may be used only for academic purposes. Files stored on school computers are restricted to school related assignments only. Telecommunication is restricted to school-related projects and must be supervised by the teacher and/or staff.
The Internet contains extensive information on a variety of subjects. There is no privacy on the Internet; therefore, personal or identifying information should not be provided about anyone in the school. Many laws, including those related to copyright infringement, harassment, slander, and obscenity, apply to Internet use.
The Diocese of Arlington and Holy Family Catholic School administrators, faculty, and staff have the right to restrict student computer activities at any time if, in their judgment, a student is not following the spirit of this Acceptable Use Policy. Students attending Diocesan schools are expected to always abide by the following:
General Policies
ÿ I acknowledge that the Chromebook issued to me is the property of Holy Family Catholic School. I am aware that I have no right to privacy on this device.
ÿ I will not intentionally damage the Chromebook or any other device or network in any way. I will take steps to take good care of the device.
ÿ I will not disassemble or attempt to repair my Chromebook
ÿ I will not use a computer or handheld device to harm other people or their work.
ÿ I will not view or use other people’s folders, files, passwords or work.
ÿ I will not view, send, or display offensive messages or pictures or harass others in any way.
ÿ I will not photograph and/or use audio/video recording capabilities with any electronic device for personal use, with or without the knowledge and consent of an individual,
ÿ All audio and video recordings created in the school environment are for instructional and educational purposes only.
ÿ I will not misrepresent myself or use the image or likeness of another person.
ÿ I agree to return the Chromebook and charging device in good working order at the end of the school year.
Internet Policies
ÿ I will not access my personal email account or any free email services on school devices.
ÿ I will not record any personal information, such as name, address, etc., about myself for anyone else on an Internet site.
ÿ I will not view Internet sites that my school or teacher does not allow or are inappropriate.
ÿ I will not access, produce, transmit and/or retransmit material, especially that which advocates or promotes violence or hatred against individuals or groups, promotes destruction of property or contains inappropriate materials.
ÿ I will be polite and respectful, and all email communications will not contain obscene, vulgar, degrading or defamatory language.
ÿ I will not use encryption software from any access point within the Diocese of Arlington.
ÿ I will not bring any electronic devices, including laptops, tablets, and phones from home into school for use without prior approval from the school’s administration.
ÿ I will not enter chat rooms or other social media sites
ÿ I will not modify the school computers by downloading and/or installing software (Including copyrighted software, shareware, and freeware).
Copyright Policies
ÿ I will not violate any local, state, federal, or international laws that apply to copyright infringement, computer or Internet use, including but not limited to software licensing, harassment, slander, and obscenity.
ÿ I will not represent other people’s work as my own (plagiarism).
ÿ I will tell any adult immediately if I see materials that violate these rules.
ÿ I understand that all electronic files are subject to review by the administration.
Artificial Intelligence (AI) Policies
ÿ I understand that permission and supervision by a teacher or school administrator is mandatory to use AI tools at school.
ÿ I understand that many AI programs require users to be at least 13 years of age and will refrain from the underage use of AI programs.
ÿ I will never present content generated by AI as my own work.
ÿ I will not use AI to manipulate materials, photos, videos, etc. that do not belong to me or include the image and likeness of other people.
ÿ I will use AI technologies in a respectful and responsible manner, treating others with courtesy and consideration in both virtual and physical interactions.
I understand any violation of the above provisions will result in the loss of my user account and may result in further disciplinary and/or legal action, including but not limited to suspension or expulsion. I, therefore, agree to maintain acceptable standards and to report any misuse of the system to the appropriate teacher or administrator.
Misuse or violation of this agreement comes in many forms, but can be viewed as any messages, information or graphics sent or received that include/suggest inappropriate images, unethical or illegal solicitation, racism, sexism, inappropriate language and/or other listings previously described in this user agreement. I agree to report any misuse of the electronic information resources to the appropriate teacher or administrator.
I have read this Acceptable Use Policy and understand that Internet sites are filtered and that Internet use on my school computer may be monitored. I also understand that the administration may review all electronic files.
I understand and hereby agree to comply with the above described conditions of acceptable use.
As the parent or guardian of the above-named student, I have read this Acceptable Use Policy and understand that Internet sites are filtered and that electronic information resources accounts may be monitored. I understand my child may be disciplined for inappropriate or unacceptable use of electronic information resources. I further understand that student use of the electronic information resource system is designed for educational purposes.
I acknowledge and hereby give my permission.